Code of Conduct for the Students

SMRJ Government College, Siwani is one of the premier colleges of the state of Haryana. It offers 11 different UG & PG programmes across all the three major faculties of arts, science and commerce. It has completed 25 years of its journey beginning from 1998. It has established its distinct culture of quality and excellence in teaching-learning, personality development, character building and career and placement of its students.

The college is committedly and continuously working for the welfare of its students with the mission to transform these rural youth coming from economically and academically disadvantaged backgrounds into resourceful and responsible citizens of this great nation contributing to nation building significantly. To attain the aims and objectives so stated, certain rules and regulations are devised by the college to be followed and obeyed by all the students for the optimum gain.

The following code of conduct is to be observed by the students:

Discipline and Order in the campus

·         The students should remain in full discipline and do not disturb the order of any kind.

·         They should behave respectfully to the teachers and other supporting staff of the college.

Anti-Ragging behavior

·         Ragging is strictly prohibited in the college and any indulgence deliberate or indeliberate in such activities is a punishable offence.

Safeguarding College Property

·         Students should not harm college properties in any possible way. It is the collective responsibilities to safeguard them as our dharohar.

Abstinence from any Criminal and Illegal Activities

·         Students should not engage in any criminal and illegal activities. Disruption of any kind will cause the severe punishment as decided by the law.

Use of Parking for Personal Vehicles (Two – wheelers)

·         Students should use the parking space specifically allotted to them.

·         Four-wheelers of the students are prohibited strictly.

 Save Electricity and Water

·         Students should switch off the lights and fans in the class rooms when not in use.

·         They should close the Taps running unattended and uselessly.

Preserve the Greenery and Beauty of the College Campus

·         Students should preserve the greenery and beauty of the college.

·         They should not pluck the flowers and plants

·         They should maintain the cleanliness in the campus.

·         They should use Dustbins to dispose of the used wrappers, plastic bottles and cans and any other such items

Wearing ID Cards

·         All the enrolled students should wear the college ID cards.

·         Entry of the outsiders is strictly prohibited in the college campus.

Checking the Notice Boards and College website

·         Students should regularly check the Notice Boards as all information is shared through them.

·         They should visit the college website ( regularly to see all updates.

Participation in Various Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities

·         Students should participate in more and more co-curricular and extra-curricular actives organised by different cells and committees from time to time for the development of students’ personality

Mentor – Mentee Groups Meetings

·         Students should be in touch with their allotted mentors and regularly attend the meetings organised by the mentor concerned

·         They should talk to their mentors for any query or problems they face in the college

Class Attendance

·         Students should attend their classes regularly and punctually.

·         Consistent absence of six days or total14 days in a month may lead to the striking off the names from the college Rolls.

·         They should complete the 75% of class attendance to be eligible for the university examinations.

·         They should regularly take notes of the lectures attended for the understanding of the concepts.

 Preparation for Internal Assessment

·            Students should appear in one Minor Test of one hour duration and submit one hand written assignment in the all the papers as the internal assessment carries 20% or 30 % (in programme concerned) marks of the total weightage to be decided by the teacher concerned.

·          They should attend the classes regularly and consult the concerned teacher for assignment and minor test.

End Term Examinations conducted by the affiliating university

·         Students should prepare well for the End Term examinations to be conducted by the affiliating university at the       end of each semester.

·         They should not carry mobile phones and any other such electronic gadgets in the examination hall.

·        They should not use any Unfair Means/ Cheating/ Copying in the examination as the same may lead to the               punishment as per norms.

Optimum Use of the College Library

·         Students should use their vacant classes and free time in the college library as it provides diverse range of                 learning materials like books, newspapers, magazines and journals.


All students should abide by the above stated rules & regulations and any violations as such may lead to the disciplinary action.



                                                                                                SMRJ Govt. College, Siwani